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Three Types of Treatment

Many of our patients first come to us with symptoms such as lower back pain, migraine headaches or loss of balance. To treat patients, we look for the cause of the symptoms in order to recommend optimal treatment. Treatments fall into three primary categories:

Structural – or physical such as your nervous system or soft tissue
Nutritional – a deficiency or abundance of substances such as vitamins, minerals or chemicals
Emotional – many symptoms are caused by emotional unbalances, such as stress

Once diagnosed, Forte Wellness treats one, or a combination of two or three causes, each to the degree that it is contributing to the symptoms.

An example would be a patient who visits us with lower back pain. We might use a combination: Structural treatment by adjusting the back and restoring the nervous system. If something such as weak adrenals are indicated, we may also recommend nutritional solutions such as dietary supplements and/or a change in diet.